Monday, July 26, 2010

Unclaimed Payment & Unable to reach seller for 6 days

Hello, Just last weekend I won an auction for item #150429860558, and I made the necessary 107.50 payment through Paypal. However my payment has remained in the unclaimed status since I sent it. I was contacted by the seller about why they were unable to receive the payment. So I contacted PayPal to find out why, and it seems that the email address that is being used with their Ebay and PayPal accounts is no longer a working email, because I attempted to contact the seller just through regular email, but my email delivery failed. I have contacted the seller 3 times in the last week and I have not heard anything at all from them. Just yesterday (contact #3), I told them that if I don't hear from them within 24 hours of the message being sent at the time than I will assume that they don't wish to sell the item. After receiving no response from them I plan on canceling my payment (as Paypal does still give me that option - with it still being unclaimed) as of today. So I am only writing for 2 main reasons: 1) To find out if anyone can tell me a better way that I can contact the seller some other way, so that I can ultimately finalize the transaction. I am more than eager to fulfill my end of the transaction, but I do not wish carry this on any longer, especially when I know the same item is constantly being sold on eBay. 2) I want to make sure if I am in the right to cancel and if canceling my payment is going to ruin my reputation on eBay. Any advice? I appreciate any help I can get with this.|||Click the "Advance search" next to the search area. On the left, you will see a link "Contact Information" Click the link and fill out the form. You will then receive the full information of your seller including their phone number. Give them a call.|||THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!|||Cancelling your unclaimed payment will not ruin or even effect your reputation on ebayIt may not be your fault but it is your responsibility Silver rule "do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you"|||for more information on the problem go here: Link

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